Ready to schedule a visit? Great! There are 4 things you need to do.
**Disclaimer: data sent electronically is not guaranteed secure unless submitted via fax.**
1. Complete your initial visit paperwork using ONE:
(complete electronically/email or print/scan/email)
2. If you are using insurance, send a copy of your insurance card (front and back) and drivers license. Email to or fax to 334-339-6342.
3. Alabama only: contact your doctor. Per state regulations, he/she should be informed of our work together.
4. Schedule your visit using one of the buttons below.
If you have BCBS/Anthem and live in Alabama
will be self-paying and live in Alabama
(unless you have disordered eating):
(schedules with Mary Martin)
Everybody else:
(all other states, insurance plans, and disordered eating clients)
(schedules with Amanda)
If this is all too confusing, feel free to call for an appointment
(as long as you've completed the previous steps):